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Planned Cesarean for Breech Baby and Postpartum Challenges in Rural Setting

Larissa and her husband, Daniel, got pregnant in the summer of 2023. Living in a very rural area of Georgia, they established care with an OB...

A Letter to My Sisters: Thank You for Being the Best Aunts

They say it takes a village to raise children, but I’m convinced it only takes a small, strong band of people who...

A Letter to My OB: Thank You for Seeing Me as More Than a Number

I’ll admit it: I’ve never been one to care for going to the doctor’s office. Sure, during each of my pregnancies, I...


Whatever the number | Diabetogenic

The accuracy of the ‘180 decisions a day’ stat is somewhat questionable. Once, a long time ago in diabetes land, a blog post...

Adult Autism


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How to Eat Vegan For A Week {easy}

When I first mentioned that I was going to eat vegan for a week, I got so many questions!  First and foremost...

DNA from Ancient Retrovirus Helps Cancer Grow

September 6, 2024, ...

Attention-Seeking Behavior in Autism: All You Should Know

My son, Joey, runs up to his mother and me and often grabs our faces and pulls them close to his. It’s...

Autism Data Visualization Tool

https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/autism/data/index.htmlGreat tool for prevalence data

Camping in His Own Way: My Son’s Journey to Happiness – Finding Cooper’s Voice

I often say having a son with nonverbal autism has given me the gift of sight. Before him I didn’t truly see people or...

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