HomeAdult Autism

Adult Autism

Autism: How My Key Interests Turned Into a Career

What is your child’s special interests? We often hear that some autistic people have laser-focus special key interests which was similar to what I...

A Patient-Centric Approach to Better Outcomes

Value-based healthcare (VBHC) is a model that redefines how care is delivered by focusing on patient outcomes and the value of services provided,...

An Extensive List of Student Strengths and Weaknesses for IEPs

Individual education programs (IEPs) are legal documents that ensure that students with disabilities that negatively impact their education receive appropriate, tailored educational support...

Attention-Seeking Behavior in Autism: All You Should Know

My son, Joey, runs up to his mother and me and often grabs our faces and pulls them close to his. It’s...

Autism Data Visualization Tool

https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/autism/data/index.htmlGreat tool for prevalence data

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