HomeAdult Autism

Adult Autism

Preschool Programs for Autistic Children: 5 Questions to Consider

One of the most difficult early challenges of autism parents is to ensure their child will have an effective preschool program. Parents...

Managing Behavior in an Overly Affectionate Autistic Child

Having an overly affectionate autistic child can sometimes make it difficult to meet their social and emotional needs. Parents, teachers, or peers...

Easter Egg Hunt

 With grad students, easter egg hunt at Sevier Park

Maladaptive Daydreaming and Autism: What’s the Link?

We are all “guilty” of letting our minds wander and daydream. Sometimes, however, daydreaming spills over its boundaries and becomes maladaptive and...

Uniquely Hari: TedX

In the spirit of spreading ideas, TEDx is a program that brings people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event,...

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