HomeAdult Autism

Adult Autism

About Those “AI Can Diagnose Autism!” Claims

Is it true that AI can diagnose autism? Short answer: No. Slightly longer and probably more accurate answer: Not yet. There’s been some buzz lately about...

A Walk with Sawyer: Parenthood’s Unexpected Turns – Finding Cooper’s Voice

I took two of my kids on a walk this morning. It’s our first real spring like day in Minnesota. Sawyer rode his bike...

Autistic Child Refuses To Do Anything? Here’s How to Help

As parents, it can be very difficult to get your children to do something you ask them to do. When you add...

Why Subgrouping Autism is Dangerous – Sarah E Boon

It’s a debate that has been going on for decades, more or less since autism has been described as a spectrum. This debate...

Uniquely Hari: Research time – Motion Tracking

 Checking out some new gadgets and tech being set up at our soon to be 'immersive VR cave" at our research lab. The...

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