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Adult Autism

Which Pets Are Best for Children with Autism?

Pets are a wonderful addition to any home. They provide us with hours of enjoyment, comfort, and love. For families who have...

I’m available for hire! Need help with improving your understanding of autism and neurodiversity? – Sarah E Boon

Hello, me again! Many of you reading this will know me from either my writing on this blog or my various posts about...

Autism: A Tale of Success, Heartbreak, and Persistence

This guest post is by Kenneth (“Kole”) Spickler a young man who is diagnosed with autism and plans to attend Biola University. Kenneth is...

Can ABA Therapy Affirm Neurodiversity?

No. ABA therapy cannot affirm neurodiversity without becoming something that is not ABA therapy. (That title is not click bait so I will not...

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