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Adult Autism

How Understanding Autistic Identities Can Help You Help Your Students — THINKING PERSON’S GUIDE TO AUTISM

What is autism, you may ask? When you search on Google, you may find dozens of articles telling you many different things about...

The Unveiling of Autism – Finding Cooper’s Voice

There comes a day where you realize that admitting autism is hard isn’t a choice you have to make, but rather it’s a...

Mindful Parenting in the Digital Age – The Mom Kind

Welcome aboard the journey of contemporary parenthood, where the digital landscape intertwines with the age-old task of nurturing children. As we navigate through...

4 Ways to Help Your Autistic Teen Prepare for High School

Preparing for high school can be daunting for any teen, but for teens with autism, it can feel especially overwhelming. As a...

I’ve published my first academic paper! – Sarah E Boon

Hello everyone, My post will be rather brief today, but that’s because I have more of an update rather than a longer blog...

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