Effective self care for adult ADHD – Diabetes Diet

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Adapted from Human Givens Vol 30 No 2.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder now affects 2-5% of people across western populations.

Becker P et al focussed their research on things that people affected could do to lessen the impact of the problem on their lives. Inattention, lack of concentration and impulsivity are the main features of the diagnosis. Rather than use medication, these things can be effective.

Gain self awareness.

Be responsible and learn from the effects of your actions.

Stay active during the day.

Have a schedule to follow.

Remove distractions or move yourself away from them.

Schedule activities for the time of day that suits you best.

To stay organised and on time set alarms and reminders on your phone.

Have supportive relationships with your family and friends.

Consider medication if you are not managing.

Becker P. Self care strategies shown to be useful in daily life for adults diagnosed with ADHD. A systematic review. Issues in Mental Health Nursing. 2023.


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