Diabetes Food

Stir Fry Noodles with Chicken

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Unmedicated Birth Center Birth and Postpartum

Chinyere always wanted to be a mom. We’ve heard the saying “it takes a village”, and she immediately tapped into hers while embracing all things motherhood...

EBB 328 – Importance of Bilingual Doula Care with Neysha Reyes Cruz of Olas de Amor

Dr. Rebecca Dekker – 00:00:00: Hi, everyone. On today’s podcast, we’re going to talk about the importance of bilingual doulas with Neysha Reyes-Cruz. Welcome to the Evidence Based...

Powerful Delivery Standing in Hospital Bathroom After Premature Rupture of Membranes

On today’s episode, Dr. Kayla shares how her third birth unfolded. From premature rupture of membranes, to an intention to avoid the cascade of interventions, this...


Whatever the number | Diabetogenic

The accuracy of the ‘180 decisions a day’ stat is somewhat questionable. Once, a long time ago in diabetes land, a blog post...

Adult Autism


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