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Australian Mom’s Positive Hypnobirthing Hospital Birth with Gestational Diabetes

Sarah was diagnosed with gestational diabetes during her first pregnancy. Her waters broke naturally at 39+1 and her baby girl was born in hospital 18 hours...

Navigating Birth Control: Your Options Explained – Podcast Ep 146

Spotify | Apple Podcasts | TuneIn | Audible Today, we’re discussing a subject that plays a crucial role in many people’s lives: birth control. I...

Giving Birth in China and Helping Others Navigate Maternity System in China

Ruth gave birth to her first baby in Qingdao, China in 2010. While the pregnancy and birth were relatively uneventful, doing everything in a foreign country...


Something new for Victorians with diabetes

I would do almost anything to avoid a visit to the emergency department. The times it’s been unavoidable have never been fun. They’ve...

Adult Autism


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Autism and Loneliness: Understanding Social Isolation

Have you ever felt lonely? Have you had a time in your life when you felt separated from society due to a...

Neurotransmitters Flow in this Autism Mind: Weak Coherence Theory

The Weak Central Coherence (WCC) Theory is a cognitive theory of autism (cognitive theories try to explain how autistics think). It suggests that ...

Improving Methods to Collect and Analyze Overall Survival Data | Blog

Since 1971, the number of cancer survivors living in the United States has more than tripled from 1.4% of the population (3 million...

Zucchini Bread Scones | My Bizzy Kitchen

For some reason I always say this when I make a new scone recipe, but I think these zucchini bread scones are...

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