Autism Breakthrough Summit 2024 – Kerry Magro

Join us for this transformative day on May 3, 2024 where Bayonne Library will host the ‘Autism Breakthrough Summit 2024.’ We will bridge knowledge with experience to foster deeper understanding and support for the autism community. This event is expertly led by Dr. Kerry Magro, an award-winning professional speaker, best-selling author and autism entertainment consultant to projects like Netflix Emmy-Award Winning Series ‘Love on the Spectrum U.S.’ Dr. Magro who was diagnosed with autism at 4 brings a wealth of personal insight and professional expertise.

Module 1 – Welcome, Introduction, Setting the Stage (Autism 101) & From ABA to Transitioning to Adulthood: 10 Frequently Asked Autism Questions Answered


Time: 10:30-12:00PM

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the basic concepts and challenges of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD).
  • Learn about the prevalence and impact of autism in the community.
  • Gain insight into the personal and societal implications of autism.
  • Address common questions and misconceptions about autism.
  • Discuss approaches like Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and their roles.
  • Explore challenges and strategies related to transitioning to adulthood for individuals with autism.

Description: This introductory session will set the stage by providing an overview of autism, highlighting key statistics and societal impacts, and introducing the audience to the context and importance of the day’s discussions. Dr. Magro will share insights from his personal experience and professional background to foster a deeper understanding of the realities faced by those on the autism spectrum.

Following the introduction in this module, Dr. Magro will tackle ten of the most frequently asked questions about autism, ranging from therapeutic interventions to life beyond school. This session aims to clarify common misunderstandings and provide practical advice for supporting individuals with autism as they transition to adulthood.

Module 2 – Self-Advocate Expert Panel moderated by Dr. Kerry Magro

Time: 12:15-1:15PM

Link to register:

Learning Objectives:

  • Hear firsthand from individuals on the autism spectrum about their experiences.
  • Learn about self-advocacy strategies and their importance in empowerment.
  • Understand the diverse perspectives and journeys of those with autism.
  • Description: Dr. Magro will moderate a panel of local self-advocates who will share their personal stories and experiences with autism. This interactive session will highlight the importance of self-advocacy and provide insights into the diverse ways individuals navigate their journeys, promoting a greater understanding and acceptance of the autism community.

Module 3 – Schooling Tips To Help Autistic Students Thrive & Conclusion

Time: 2:00-3:30PM

Link to register:

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify educational strategies that support autistic students in school environments.
  • Discuss accommodations and interventions that can enhance learning.
  • Explore ways educators and therapists can effectively support the inclusion and success of students with autism.


This module focuses on practical approaches and tips for educators and therapists to help autistic students thrive academically and socially. Drawing on research and firsthand accounts, the session will cover effective teaching strategies, classroom accommodations, and ways to foster an inclusive learning environment.

These modules are designed to educate a diverse audience, including educators, therapists, self-advocates, and family members, about the intricacies of autism from a well-rounded perspective provided by Dr. Magro and other voices from the autism community.


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