How Chaplains Provide Spiritual Support During Cancer: An Expert Q&A

For many people with cancer and their caregivers, spiritual care plays an important role during cancer and its treatment. After someone is diagnosed with cancer, new questions may arise about the meaning and purpose of life or one’s belief in God. A chaplain can help people with cancer and their caregivers process these emotions and reflect on their values.  

In this podcast, Jane Jeuland, MDiv, discusses how chaplains are trained, how they help people with cancer and their caregivers, and how to find spiritual support during cancer. 

  • What do you do in your role as a chaplain? [02:04]

  • How are chaplains trained? [03:36] 

  • What are some of the ways chaplains help people with cancer, including toward the end of life and during survivorship? [05:20] 

  • How might cancer change a person’s perspective or sense of purpose in life? [12:51] 

  • How can you find spiritual support during cancer? [16:47] 

  • How do chaplains help the caregivers and family members of people with cancer? [18:03] 

Ms. Jeuland is the outpatient palliative care chaplain at Yale New Haven Hospital. She received her Master’s of Divinity from Yale Divinity School and her chaplaincy training from Yale New Haven Hospital. She is a board-certified chaplain and an ordained Episcopal priest. Ms. Jeuland has no relevant relationships to disclose.

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