Providing a free course to help you eat well – Diabetes Diet

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PHC have just released the new Real Food Healthy Lifestyle course.

It is an online course led by Liz LePlan, the PHC Ambassador Co-ordinator.

It comprises eight recorded sessions and takes people through the low carbohydrate approach. You can find it here.

There is also a new Facebook group to support our work in Scotland and to try and reach out to more like-minded souls and help people who want to improve their health. We would really like you to join the group and share your own success stories and tips. Please also invite your friends and any healthcare practitioners that you know.

If you would like to watch a replay of the main event that the PHC runs each year, the Annual Conference then it is now available on YouTube.

This year the conference coincided with the 75 year anniversary of the NHS and had the theme ‘Fixing the NHS – one person at a time’.

You will also find replays of the Scottish Conference here too.

The next Scottish Conference which will be in the Autumn of 2024, likely in Edinburgh.


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