
1430 POSTS

Buffalo Shrimp | My Bizzy Kitchen

Buffalo Shrimp | My Bizzy Kitchen Lets get...

How autism has affected both my life and death

This guest post is by Aidan Monahan, a young man who is diagnosed with autism and plans to attend Florida State University. Monahan...

‘What Kind of Autism Does He Have?’ – Finding Cooper’s Voice

Kate Swenson Kate Swenson lives in Minnesota with her husband Jamie, and four children, Cooper, Sawyer, Harbor and Wynnie. Kate launched Finding Cooper's Voice...

Planned Cesarean Birth – The Birth Hour

Birth Summary On today’s episode, Allyson shares about her experience with a planned c section birth as a first time mom. She talks frankly...

I submitted an Abstract

Submitted my first Grad School abstract  to a conference. The Society for Neuroscience Conference. And they send along these social media graphics to include.  


1430 POSTS