Autism and Independence: In Her Own Time – Finding Cooper’s Voice

In her own time.

Those four words are more important than I can express. I am not sure I can put into words the incredible moment my autistic daughter had yesterday, but I am going to try.

Yesterday, Kya asked to “go in the car to the dollar store for Elmer’s glue.” So we headed to the store. While there, she looked at clay but passed on it. We gathered what she wanted and headed to the till. Once there, she said clay, so I decided to let her go on her own to get it.

She got out of line, went to the aisle where the item she wanted (and many other items) was and headed back to the till. Now, imagine a busy dollar store. She navigated her way back through the line to me at the till and said excuse me to the people as she made her way to me. She walked right to the till and handed the lady her items.I stood there in total awe of her.


Seeing the pride in her as she arrived at the till was everything this mama needed. And this girl has impeccable manners. Proud is an understatement. Independence at its finest.

It was a big leap for me to allow her to do this on her own, and I couldn’t be happier. Every day I watch this girl overcome things most take for granted, and every day this kid teaches me that she IS capable, and I just need to let go…a little.

In her own time.

Written by Jennifer Dunn of  Keeping Up With Kya


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